Starting a Business in Lesotho
The Government has initiated the One-Stop Business Facilitation Centre “One Stop Shop”, to provide services relating to the issuance of import permits, exports visas, trading small scale manufacturing and manufacturing licences and work and residence permits, SACU National Body and Company Registration
The types of licensing :
- Business Licensing
- Manufacturing Licensing
- Marketing Licensing
Business Licensing
Licences are issued through the ONE STOP BUSINESS FACILITATION CENTRE in Maseru as well as the local offices of Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperative & Marketing.
Steps for business licence ( Maseru District):
1) | First, find out if need a license. If you do, after interview collect the brochure which sets out the rates and rules, other documents you need and the license application form.MTICM002 License Application FormAnnex A1 Licensing Notes – EnglishAnnex A2 Licensing Notes – Sesotho |
2) | Complete the form and attach the other documents you need to have |
3) | Submit your application and documents to the OSS Licensing Desk. Officer will enter in your information and inform you of when you should return. |
4) | Return to the OBFC on the nominated day |
5) | Go to the Accounts Counter to pay your License Fee |
6) | Officer enters in the receipt details and generates your License. The License will indicate your unique License Number, validity period as well a change of information form on the back. |
Manufacturing Licensing
Manufacturing licenses are issued at OBFC under Ministry of Trade and Industry Marketing and Cooperatives to enhance institutional capacity, and to promote industrial expansion by creating investor-friendly policies.
Marketing Licensing
The department of marketing controls marketing of agricultural products in Lesotho and provide training to small and commercial farmers in the country.
The services offered by this department are:
- Issues agricultural traders certificate/license
- Import permits for fruits, vegetables and legumes
For more details on the licensing and stating a business the ONE STOP BUSINESS FACILITATION CENTER site can be visited